WWW and the Demise of the Clockwork Universe


(1) Holland, John H., "Using Classifier Systems to Study Adaptive Nonlinear Networks", in Lectures in the Science of Complexity, Santa Fe Institute Studies in the Sciences of Complexity, Ed. D. Stein, Addison-Wesley Longman, 1989

(2) Munnecke, "Linguistic Requirements of Adaptive Software", unpublished, 1982. Click here to download document as a word document.

(3) Campbell, David, "Overview of Nonlinear Science: from Paradigms to Practicalities", in Lectures in the Science of Complexity, Santa Fe Institute Studies in the Sciences of Complexity, Ed. D. Stein, Addison-Wesley Longman, 1989

(4) Brooks, Frederick, The Mythical Man-Month, Addison Wesley, 1978

(5) I have noticed this phenomenon in the design of hospital information systems. Departments such as Laboratory, Pharmacy, Accounts Receivable, etc, each install independent systems. As the costs of duplication are realized, an "integrated approach" is called for. Sometimes, physicians ask for a system from their viewpoint (yet another point of view). But the fundamental problem--an infrastructure incapable of handling the conflicting information needs of its users, and the basic nonlinearity of the system--is ignored.

(6) Jon Postel, one of pioneers of the Internet, personal communication, August, 1993

(7) Salk, Jonas, Anatomy of Reality, Columbia University Press, 1983

(8) Gleick, James, Genius, The Life and Science of Richard Feynman,Vintage Books, New York, 1992, p 394

(9) Salk, p. 7