Figure 2

This is the Web equivalent to the Nextstep "primary" result screen. The regions have been mapped to segments, with pop up earlier result screens being replaced by additional page references. The natural links in this and other patient results pages are disabled since we don't have a good way to demo this live without breaching patient privacy issues

Patient Identification Number: A1234567
Patient Name: Doe, John
PCU: 5C Sex: M Room: 5408 Bed: 01
Chemistry (also available: Blood Gases)
Col Date       Sodium Potass Chlor  Bicarb Gluc   BUN    Creat  ICA    Ca     Phos   Magnes
15 Sep 07:00   Order  Order  Order  Order  Order  Order  Order         Order  Order  Order
14 Sep 07:00   134    4.2    101    26     115    34     0.9           7.6                 
13 Sep 07:15   135    4.2    102    27     112    33     0.9           7.5                 
12 Sep 07:40   134    4.0    100    26     114    35     0.9           7.6    3.9    1.7   

Col Date       INR    PTT    TT     Fibrin FDP
13 Sep 07:15   1.22   34.7   38.2                
12 Sep 07:40 C 1.12   34.6   38.3                
11 Sep 07:02   1.11   31.6   41.6                
10 Sep 07:00   1.11   31.8   30.7                

(absolute) current display is percent.
Col Date       Neut   Lym    Mono   Baso   Eos    Bands  Other
07 Aug 06:53 C 76.0          7.0    1.0           8.0    N Metamy:5.0, N Myelo:3.0, Aniso:2+, Neut Gran:Toxic
06 Aug 06:30   80.0   2.0    8.0    1.0                  N Myelo:9.0, Aniso:2+, Polychr:1+
05 Aug 07:00   87.0   1.0    3.0                         N Myelo:9.0, Aniso:2+

Col Date       WBC    Hgb    Hct    Plt
15 Sep 07:00   5.4    9.7    29.6   427   
14 Sep 07:00   6.2    9.9    29.2   410   
13 Sep 07:15   5.3    10.1   30.2   417   
12 Sep 07:40 C 4.8    9.9    29.1   395   

Liver group
Col Date       TBili  AST    ALK    5Nuc   ALT    ALB
15 Sep 07:00                                      Order
14 Sep 07:00   0.7    36     598           42           
12 Sep 07:40   1.2    41     572           47     1.5   
09 Sep 07:00   1.2    32     466           36           

Other test options