Figure 3

This is a typical antibiogram for a given patient speciment. It shows both the result of susceptibility testing (S=sensitive, I=resistant, R=resistant) for each of the tested drugs for each micro-organism, and the costs for each treatment option. It has includes hypertext links to the appropriate pharmacy and therapeutic restricted drug documents where appropriate (vancomycin, ciprofloxacin). The drug document links work. This other links are turned off.

Microbiology Specimen Report
Specimen Number:N487751 Body Site: Specimen Type :Aspirate
Order Location:5C Collection Day:28 Aug Time:10:00 Req Physician:000693
              Group D enterococcus
              :    Group D enterococcus
              :    :   
              :    :              PO COSTS &    DOSING      |     IV COSTS & DOSING
              :    :            ----------------------------|---------------------------------
PEN           S             $         500mg qid po     |         $   2 million u q4h iv
AMPI          S             $         500mg qid po     |         $        1 gram q6h iv
OX                 R                                        |                               
CEPHAL             R                                        |         $        1 gram q6h iv
VANCO         S            $$        125 mg qid po     |        $$       1 gram q12h iv
CIPRO              R             $        500 mg bid po     |     $$$$$       500 mg q12h iv
GENT               N                                        |         $        100 mg q8h iv
CLINDA             R             $        300 mg qid po     |         $        600 mg q8h iv
ERYTH              R             $        400 mg qid po     |         $        500 mg q6h iv
CHLORO        S                                        |                               
TETRA         R             $        500 mg qid po     |                               

Cost Analysis < $ = < $1.00, each $ = $10.00

Daily dose must be individualized based on severity of illness, site of infection, renal/hepatic function, size, age, etc. Doses shown are for a moderately-severe infection in a 70kg adult with normal renal and hepatic function.