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Avoiding Lost Readers and Browsers

In all the groups' documents, a new user faces both the task of learning about cognitive architectures and also learning the organization of the document. To minimize the complexity of the latter task, the students decided that a consistent, hierarchical organization would be the best organization, helping to ensure that users could find their way around the document. Additionally, to facilitate navigation and concentrate the user on content, many of the features for navigation in the individual documents were incorporated and combined into the final document. These features included a fully clickable graphical overview as provided by Group 2, extra-text cues such as the those provided by Group 4 (the dotted links in Figure 6), and an explicit ``Current Location'' marker at the bottom of each node. This marker describes the node in terms of its depth in the hierarchical organization of the document. For instance, the marker for the node that describes the property of network representations as it relates to all architectures is present at the bottom of that node as Current Location: Common - Properties - Network Representations.