Next: Analysis of Courseware Up: Parallel Computing Courseware Previous: Module One

Modules Two - Ten

These modules are currently under development. Ultimately they will consider the following topics:

  1. Interprocess communication, Flynn's classification, shared and local memory.
  2. Communication structures, for example, single and multi node broadcast, single and multi node scatter.
  3. Load balancing fundamentals and techniques.
  4. Selected algorithms: linear systems solvers, random number generators, bitonic sort, hyperquicksort, fast Fourier transform.

To help students in accessing background information for the topics covered in the modules, course (lecture) notes are provided on-line. Links are provided from each module page to the course notes contents page (see Figure 3) from which background information on the relevent topic can be obtained.
Thu Sep 15 15:54:59 BST 1994