Earth Sciences


Climate Research and the Web: Integrating World Wide Web and Mosaic Capabilities into the Climate Diagnostics Center
Julia A. Collins
Interactive Species Distribution Reporting, Mapping, and Modelling Using the World Wide Web
Tony Boston and David Stockwell
Mosaic, HDF and EOSDIS: Providing Access to Earth Sciences Data
Theodore Meyer, Ramachandran Suresh, Douglas Ilg, and Bruce Moxon
Serving Digital Map Information through the World Wide Web and Wide-Area Information Server Technology
Douglas D. Nebert
Mosaic Access to Realtime Data from the TOGA-TAO Array of Moored Buoys
N. N. Soreide, L. McCarty, and D. C. McClurg


The Use of the Information Highway to Explore Climate Variability
C. Bruce Baker and Danny E. Brinegar
Live Visualization and Extraction of Climate Data with Mosaic and FERRET
Steve Hankin and Jerry Davison
Information for a Changing World: CIESIN's Use of WWW To Facilitate Access to Data and Information Relevant to Human Interactions In The Environment
Frederick Zimmerman and Peter Young