Earth Sciences
- Climate Research and the Web: Integrating World Wide Web and
Mosaic Capabilities into the Climate Diagnostics Center
- Julia A. Collins
- Interactive Species Distribution Reporting, Mapping, and
Modelling Using the World Wide Web
- Tony Boston and David Stockwell
- Mosaic, HDF and EOSDIS: Providing Access to Earth Sciences Data
- Theodore Meyer, Ramachandran Suresh, Douglas Ilg, and Bruce Moxon
- Serving Digital Map Information through the World Wide Web and Wide-Area Information
Server Technology
- Douglas D. Nebert
- Mosaic Access to Realtime Data from the TOGA-TAO Array of
Moored Buoys
- N. N. Soreide, L. McCarty, and D. C. McClurg
- The Use of the Information Highway to Explore Climate
- C. Bruce Baker and Danny E. Brinegar
- Live Visualization and Extraction of Climate Data with
Mosaic and FERRET
- Steve Hankin and Jerry Davison
- Information for a Changing World: CIESIN's Use of
WWW To Facilitate Access to Data and Information Relevant to Human Interactions In The Environment
- Frederick Zimmerman and Peter Young