Author Biography

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Author Biography

The author is currently preparing his licentiate thesis (corresponds to a MS) in computer science at the Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Before settling down in Linköping, he worked as computer consultant with PC, Windows, Xenix etc, for one year. During the academic year 1989/1990, he studied computer science at the technical school/university ENSIMAG (Grenoble, France) financed by a one year scholarship from the French state. He has a BS in Mathematics from Uppsala University (1989) plus took courses in psychology. In parallel with his studies at Uppsala University he worked part time with RDBMSs and as a system manager of VAXs (VMS) during a period of 4-5 years. Native of Uppsala, Sweden, but has spent almost two years in Grenoble, France - re-learning French, studying, working, skiing and enjoing `La cuisine Française'!

The current e-mail address is and

Martin Sjolin
Thu Sep 15 17:52:35 MET DST 1994