Acknowledgments & Availability

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Acknowledgments & Availability

A considerable number of people have been involved in the design and implementation of LINCKS. The most significant of these are Lin Padgham, Ralph Rönnquist, David Partain, Patrick Lambrix, Thomas Hall, Leif Running, Michael Jansson, Tim Teitenberg, Nilgun Mat, and Peter Åberg. A significant number of undergraduate students has also been involved to varying extents, but are too numerous to mention.

LINCKS Version 2 as well as an extensive user manual is available in the directory as lincks-2.x.tar.gz. LINCKS requires some sort of UNIX (tm) and X11R5 and it is available under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2. For more information and/or questions, please send mail to

Martin Sjolin
Thu Sep 15 17:52:35 MET DST 1994