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Appendix 2: HTML Source of the Top Document

<title>Hunger Conf</title>
<h1> The Internet as Tool for Addressing Global Problems </h1>
<h2>The World can be seen as a complex <a href="">
network </a> of globally interwoven systems.
<dd> The first diagram is based on the UN program on Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change.

<DT><h1>Computer Networks
<DD><h2>Several different computer networks have been developed which are now in
the process of becoming globally interlinked through the<a href=""> Internet</a>.
<DT><h1>Growing Connectivity
<DD><h2>The rapid growth of this network can be seen in the comparison between the two maps (Jan 1993 vs Feb 1994), and in the extrapolation to the year <a href= ""> 2001</a> when basically everybody everybody could be connected through the Internet and a Global Brain could emerge. </h2>
<DT><h1>Acces Tools to the Internet
<DD><h2>Many different ways exist to access and use the Internet as a
<a href="">
Global Information System</a> </h2>
<DD><h2>Through the World Wide Web and especially with the Mosaic interface, we can get access to many Information servers
<a href=""> Information servers</a> around the world. We can zoom-in to any of these areas to obtain more details, and we can do that as an exercise after the demo. </h2>
<DT><h1> Online Examples
<DD><h2> For example we can get fast access to the
<DT><h1> International Organizations
<DD><h2>From there we have a link for example to the Gopher server of the United Nations and their <a href="gopher://"> POPULATION INFORMATION NETWORK (POPIN)</a> </h2>
<DD><h2> Most major international organizations are on the Internet today like the <a href="">World Health Organization</a> (This server is in Switzerland).</h2>
<DT><h1> Internet Starting Point
<DD><h2> At this point it probably would be best to start the exploration of the Internet, one good starting point is
<a href="">
<DT><h1> Local HungerWeb Server
<DD><h2> But you can also start from a
<a href=""> local access point </a> that is directly relevant to the topic of this conference.
We can also talk about those issues by e-mail...or listen to the
<a href="BirdsZimbabwe.ATC.snd"> birds of Zimbabwe</a>... </DL>

<address><A HREF=""> Gottfried Mayer-Kress</A>
( (NeXT-Mail welcome))</address>

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Tue Sep 6 00:58:21 CDT 1994