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Today we are in a situation where we face a growing number of global problems. It appears that therefore a growing need arises to integrate local solution approaches on a global scale. New methodologies and paradigms have to be developed .

In this report we describe an experiment of a virtual participation in a panel discussion where we explored the possibilities of using the Internet and modern hypermedia (WWW/Mosaic ) of facilitating this integration process. The panel discussion took place during the seventh annual Hunger Research Briefing and Exchange in April, 1994 which was held by the World Hunger Program at Brown University. This conference is unique in that it directly addresses the complex set of factors affecting the level of hunger in the world. Furthermore, it combines three distinct communities with disparate cultures, goals and agendas; namely the academic research community, the governmental and inter-governmental community, and the NGO/PVO (non-governmental organizations and private voluntary organizations) community.
Tue Sep 6 00:58:21 CDT 1994