Commercialization and Economics of the Web


The Media Business on the WWW
Gary Welz
The Economic Consequences of the World Wide Web
Arnold Kling
Where are commercial services on the Web headed?
Henry Houh
WWW-based Home Banking Services in Switzerland: A Case Study
Richard Dratva
Some FAQs about Usage-Based Pricing
Jeffrey K. MacKie-Mason and Hal R. Varian
Understanding Return on Investment for Information Discovery and Retrieval Technology
Phillip S. Wherry, Mark A. Krause, and Dr. Richard K. Sciambi

Invited Panel

Commercial Transactions on the Web
Clifford Newman (ISI) on Netcash
David Chaum (DigiCash) on DigiCash
Martin Sirbu (CMU) on Network Billing
David M. Kristol (AT&T; Bell Laboratories)
Jeff Hostetler (Spyglass) not confirmed


Finding What You Want to Buy using the Web
Anna-Lena Neches, Paul Postel, and Craig Milo Rogers