Writing a simple HTML Document

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Writing a simple HTML Document

If one wants to write a very simple HTML Document she should know how to use these three commands : Title, Header and Paragraph. These commands are under the Menu HTML and also are implemented as a Push Buttons in the bottom of the main window. Please refer to the appendix A Key Bindings where one can find the control keys to execute these commands.

Here is an example of a simple document :

<TITLE> My First HTML Document </TITLE>
<H1> This is a big Header </H1>
This is a short paragraph I do not like
to write too much <P>

All HTML documents must have a title. In general HTML use tags to indicate formatting or structural information. A tag is simply a left angle bracket ( < ) followed by a directive and zero or more parameters followed by a right angle bracket ( > ).

Computer Science Department at Rensselaer