Routines to the HTML menu

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Routines to the HTML menu

   NAME : routines_html
   PARAMETERS : int item_no
                Item number of the menu HTML
   RETURN : void
   DESCRIPTION :This is a Callback function that is called when
                one of the items of the HTML menu is selected.

   NAME : create_title
   PARAMETERS : Widget w
                From what widget this function is called.
   RETURN : void
   DESCRIPTION : This function creates the dialog widget title 
                 to enter the name of the title of the HTML Document

   NAME : title_name
   PARAMETERS : Widget w
                From what widget this function is called.
   RETURN : void
   DESCRIPTION : This is a Callback function and sets the
                 title of the HTML document when the Ok button
                 is selected from the dialog widget.

   NAME : remove_title
   PARAMETERS : XmTextPosition *left,
                XmTextPosition *right
                Positions where the old title and returns the new
                position of the new title
   RETURN : char *title
            Returns the title of the Document
   DESCRIPTION : This function removes the old title and replace it
                 with the new title

   NAME : create_paragraph
   PARAMETERS : Widget w
                From what widget this function is called.
   RETURN : void
   DESCRIPTION : This is a Callback function and sets the
                 tag paragraph where the cursor is.
   NAME : create_header
   PARAMETERS : Widget w
                From what widget this function is called.
   RETURN : void
   DESCRIPTION : This function creates the  dialog widget to
                 select a Header between 1-6 and show the
                 selected text as a Header.
   NAME : set_header
   PARAMETERS : Widget w
                From what widget this function is called.
   RETURN : void
   DESCRIPTION : This is a Callback function and sets the
                 Header tags to the selected text.

   NAME : toggled
   PARAMETERS : XmToggleButtonCallbackStruct *state
                Shows which radio button changed the state
   RETURN : void
   DESCRIPTION : This is a Callback function and sets the
                 Header number of the selected text

   NAME : create_undo
   PARAMETERS : Widget w
                From what widget this function is called.
   RETURN : void
   DESCRIPTION : This is a Callback function and retrieves
                 the value that was saved in the structure
                If it is on, the document is parsed to underline
                all tags.

   NAME : PrintButtonCallBack
   PARAMETERS : Not used
   RETURN : void
   DESCRIPTION : This Routine creates the dialog widget to enter
                 the name of the printer

   NAME : printing
   PARAMETERS : XmSelectionBoxCallbackStruct *cbs
                This parameter has the Name of the printer
   RETURN : void
   DESCRIPTION : Receive the name of the printer, verify if the
                 file exist and print the file in the printer

   NAME : verify_text
   PARAMETERS : XmTextVerifyCallbackStruct *cbs
                This pointer give you the value of the string
                to be inserted in the text widget and also
                give the current position of the cursor
   RETURN : void
   DESCRIPTION : This is a Callback function and verifyes
                 what kind of information is inserted in the
                 text widget with the purpose to save them in
                 in the undo_buffer and set the underlining of
                 the tags.

Computer Science Department at Rensselaer