Routines for Menus

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Routines for Menus

   NAME : CreateMenuBar
   PARAMETERS : Widget parent
                Parent of the Widget Menubar in this case main_widget
   RETURN : Widget Menubar
   DESCRIPTION : This function creates the menubar widget at the top
                 of the main window and also creates each item of
                 the menus.
                 Menus are : File, Edit, HTML, Style and Lists
                 File Items : New, Open, Save, Insert and Quit
                 Edit Items : Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete and Undo
                 HTML Items : Title, Header, Paragraph, Link, Reference
                              and Image
                 Style Items : Code, Cyte, Blockquote, Address, 
                               Bold, Italic and Underline
                 Lists Items : Definition, Term,
                               Unordered, Ordered and Item

Computer Science Department at Rensselaer