Authoring Tools
Panel One: Experience Workshop with HTML Authoring Tools
- Design Considerations for an HTML Editor
- Liam Quin
- HTML Made Easy: HTML Claris XTND Translator
- Brian Sullivan, Jonathan Ryan Day, Jeff Spitulnik, and Elliot Soloway
- A Simple HTML Editor
- John R. Punin and Mukkai S. Krishnamoorthy
- TOPS On-Line -
Automating the Construction and Maintenance of HTML pages
- Kennie Jones
Panel Two: Finding Your Way
- Untangling the Web - The role of text retrieval in a
hypertext environment
- Theresa Kasper
- Creating a Web Analysis and Visualization Environment
- Robert E. Kent and Christian Neuss
Panel Three: Beyond HTML
- SGML, HTML and Beyond
- Jeff Suttor
- The Transformation of SGML Documents for Presentation on
the WWW
- Eric Freese
- HTML to the Max: A Manifesto for Adding SGML
Intelligence to the World-Wide Web
- C. M. Sperberg-McQueen and Robert F. Goldstein
- Putting Paper Documents in the World-Wide Web
- Andreas Myka
- Electronic Imaging of a Macintosh Page
- Steven F. Rung
- Standardized Formatting for HTML Data for Print Output
- Richard Pasewark
- Building HTML Application Systems: Converting Existing MS-Windows Applications to HTML
- Robert Keith Thralls Sr.
- The GeoWeb Project: Using WAIS and the World Wide Web to
Aid Location of Distributed Data Sets
- Brandon S. Plewe