Biography - Andrew Ford

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Biography - Andrew Ford

(The only existing digital image of me)

I have worked in the computer industry since graduating from Bath University in 1980 with a B.Sc. in Engineering with German and have been involved in a wide range of projects, ranging from data modelling to typesetting and commercial data processing, but my main speciality is UNIX system and network programming.

In 1989 I moved to Munich, Germany, where I established myself up as an independent software consultant. I moved back to Bristol in early 1993 and for the last year I have been engaged as a consultant to the British Library in London, looking at Network Information Tools. This has involved experimenting with Gopher, WAIS and WWW. I am currently writing a book on how to provide information on the Internet with the World Wide Web, to be published in the Autumn.

Andrew Ford (, Sat Sep 17 17:02:30 BST 1994