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WWW10 Awards

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For WWW10, certificates were awarded for Best Paper, Best Student Paper, Best Poster, Best Student Poster and Best Presentation.

Prize Sponsors

Many thanks to our prize sponsors, who generously donated prizes to recognise the achievements of the researchers presenting at WWW10. Prizes were supplied by the following companies:

Best Paper

Best Paper Award

The Program Committee used votes by the paper reviewers to select the Best Paper. The award was presented to:

Engineering Server Driven Consistency for Large Scale Dynamic Web Services
- Jian Yin, Lorenzo Alvisi, Mike Dahlin, and Arun Iyengar

Prize: Certificate, WWW2002 Passport courtesy of WWW2002, Books Voucher courtesy of O'Reilly Books, Inc.

Best Paper: Runner Up

The Program Committee found that two other papers were worthy of special recognition. Certificates were awarded to:

Commended Papers

During the refereeing process, the very large number of papers submitted were divided into theme areas to help with the selection process. Each of the theme areas were considered by a panel who were asked to nominate the best paper from their area. The following papers were selected for commendation and awarded a certificate:

Best Student Papers

The Program Committee used votes by the paper reviewers to select the two Best Student Papers from the papers where the first author was a student at the time of submission. The awards were presented to:

Two Prizes: Certificate, $1250 courtesy of IBM Research

Best Poster

Best Poster Award

The best poster at WWW10 was selected in a ballot of attendees. The award was presented to:

Trovatore: Towards a Highly Scalable Distributed Web Crawler
- Paolo Boldi, Bruno Codenotti, Massimo Santini and Sebastiano Vigna

Prize: Certificate, WWW2002 Passport courtesy of WWW2002, Books Voucher courtesy of O'Reilly Books, Inc.

Best Student Poster

The best student poster at WWW10 was selected in a ballot of attendees. The award was presented to:

Spoken Query for Web Search and Navigation
- Huixiang Gu, Jianming Li, Ben Walter and Eric Chang

Prize: Certificate, $1000 courtesy of WWW10 Ltd, Books Voucher courtesy of O'Reilly Books, Inc.

Best Presentation

The best presentation at WWW10 was selected by the Awards Chair, Simon Phipps, using the appraisals of a volunteer panel of judges. The award was presented to:

Amit Singhal presenting "A Case Study in Web Search using TREC Algorithms"

Prize: Certificate, WWW2002 Passport courtesy of WWW2002, Books Voucher courtesy of O'Reilly Books, Inc.

Best Presentation Panel:
Andrei Broder, Leslie Carr, Soumen Chakrabati, Yih-Farn Robin Chen, Michele Colajanni, Wendy Hall, Pieter Hartel, Yoelle Maarek, Xing Li, Daniel Schwabe, David Singer, Aya Soffer, Michael Weber, Bebo White, Erik Wilde, Mary Ellen Zurko

Participant Prizes

At the closing plenary session, ballot papers from the Best Poster and Best Student Poster ballots were drawn and the winners given Chinese memorabilia.

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Any enquiries about the awards should be directed to the Awards Chair, Simon Phipps - www10-awards@sphipps.com

Last Updated: May 18, 2001