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WWW10 W3C Track

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Wednesday, May 2
W1 10:30-12:00
  • Introduction to W3C Track
    - Jean-François Abramatic, W3C Chairman
XML Overview Session Chair: Philipp Hoschka, W3C Architecture Domain Lead
  • Overview of XML Architecture
    - Henry Thompson, W3C/University of Edinburgh
  • XML Schema
    - Henry Thompson, W3C/University of Edinburgh
  • XML Query
    - Paul Cotton, Microsoft Corporation and W3C XML Query Working Group Chair
W2 14:30-16:00
Semantic Web Overview Session Chair: Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director
  • RDF and its Applications
    - Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
  • Ontologies
    - Dan Connolly, W3C
  • New initiatives
    - Ralph Swick, W3C
W3 16:30-18:00
Foundations of Web Services Session Chair: Philipp Hoschka, W3C Architecture Domain Lead
  • XML Protocol
    - David Fallside, IBM, and W3C XML Protocol Working Group Chair
  • XML Signature/XML Encryption
    - Joseph Reagle, W3C
  • XForms
    - Steven Pemberton, CWI/W3C XForms Working Group Chair
Thursday, May 3
W4 10:30-12:00
Best Practices Session Chair: Judy Brewer, W3C Web Accessibility Initiative Domain Lead
  • Web Accessibility Initiative
    - Wendy Chisholm, W3C
  • Internationalization
    - Masayasu Ishikawa, W3C
  • Quality Assurance
    - Daniel Dardailler, W3C
W5 14:30-16:00
Essential UI Features Session Chair: Vincent Quint, W3C User Interface Domain Lead
    - Thierry Michel, W3C
  • Graphics/SVG
    - Chris Lilley, W3C
  • MathML
    - Max Froumentin, W3C
W6 16:30-18:00
XHTML and Modularization (M12N) Session Chair: Vincent Quint, W3C
  • The XHTML Family
    - Steven Pemberton, CWI, and W3C HTML Working Group Chair
  • Modularization and its Applications
    - Masayasu Ishikawa, W3C
  • W3C's Browser/Editor, Amaya
    - Irène Vatton, W3C
Friday, May 4
W7 10:30-12:00
Delivering Device Independence Session Chair: Vincent Quint, W3C User Interface Domain Lead
  • XHTML Basic
    - Masayasu Ishikawa, W3C
  • Device Independence
    - Hidetaka Ohto, W3C Fellow/Panasonic
  • Voice Browsers
    - Dave Raggett, W3C Fellow/Openwave Systems Inc.
W8 13:15-14:45
Presentation and Transformation Session Chair: Vincent Quint, W3C User Interface Domain Lead
  • DOM
    - Philippe LeHégaret, W3C
  • Style/CSS
    - Bert Bos, W3C
  • Style/XSL
    - Max Froumentin, W3C
W9 15:15-16:45
W3C Town Meeting Session Chair: Jean-François Abramatic
  • This session provides attendees with an opportunity to ask questions on any W3C Activity, and to engage in group discussions on topics related to Web development.

Last Updated: April 19, 2001