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The TREC Ad-Hoc and Web Tracks
The ad-hoc task has been at the heart of TREC evaluations since the
begining of TREC [24]. In this task, TREC participants are
given a collection of Newswire and other documents, usually about
500,000 to 700,000 documents in roughly two gigabytes of text. Along
with the documents, the participants are also given a set of fifty
queries posed by real users (often called assessors as their
key role is to assess the relevance of documents retrieved by
different systems for their queries). The conference participants rank
documents from the collection for every query using their systems, and
the top 1,000 documents for each query are returned to NIST by every
participant for evaluation. The assessors judge the top 100 to 200
documents from every system for relevance and various evaluation
scores are computed for each participating system (for example,
average precision, precision in top 10, 20, 30 documents, and so on).
Even though the TREC ad-hoc task, especially when using short 2-3 word
queries(**), is very close to what
happens in a web search system, there are some notable
differences. For example, the type of documents being searched in TREC
ad-hoc are not web pages.
Next: TREC Web Tracks
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Previous: Introduction
Amit Singhal