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As an un-anticipated consequence of our choice of the type of queries
used in this study, any engine that uses the RealNames navigation
service [2] will have an edge in this test. RealNames
links queries of this type to the true home-pages for the
corresponding organization. On inspection of the results, we found
that the best two engines in Figure 1 (Engine 4 and
Engine 3) both use the RealNames service. The other two might be using
it but there is no way for us to verify that by just looking at the
results page. The best engine in Figure 1, Engine 4,
used RealNames for 28 out of the 100 queries whereas the second-best
engine, Engine 3, used RealNames for 36 queries.
This definitely gives an edge to these two engines. Unfortunately, we
can't find out how the relevant pages would have been ranked by these
engines if they were not using the RealNames service. Also, since our
main objective is to compare these engines to the TREC algorithms,
even if we remove the queries for which RealNames was used, the
commercial engines still have a very large lead over the TREC
algorithms, and the results from our experiments will stand. In all,
it is quite safe to say that the commercial engines are using
algorithms that are more effective for the type of queries used in
this study.
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Amit Singhal