Conference Rooms / Audio Visual Aids

WWW94 -- Conference Rooms / Audio Visual Aids

There are at present many conference rooms reserved on the CERN site. The main ones are listed here with attributes:

    Room name    Seats Overhd.  Video proj.    Monitor proj. LCD panel
                        proj.  PAL SECAM NTSC   X  Mac  PC   X  Mac  PC 
 Main Auditorium  450    X      X    X    X     X   X   X
 Council Chamber  140    X      X    X    X     X   X   X
 Room 304/A        50    X                                   X   X   X
 Room 304/B        50    X                                   X   X   X

These four main rooms are in the central building complex, all within 100m from each other.

For workshops, BOFs and smaller parallel sessions a number of rooms are available, some in other buildings, but all on the site and all equipped with overhead projectors, Ethernet and Internet connected computers.

The two main rooms have video projection and possibility to project directly from computer screens (X, Mac or PC). We can run NTSC, PAL and SECAM videos of VHS format cassettes in the main rooms.

RC 28 Dec 93