Call for Contributions

WWW94 -- Call for Contributions



The original call read:

"This is probably the first conference where all contributions should be available on the Web before the Conference starts: we will try to have all material on-line in advance. Therefore the whole process of contributing is somewhat novel, and it will be an interesting experiment in itself."

The new policy is more in accord with the classic way of constructing a conference programme: papers and abstracts will be available only after the selection by the committee. This protects the interests of those people whose contributions, for whichever reason, could not be accepted.

We still accept abstracts and papers by URL or e-mail, but advise you not to publicise the URL before decision by the Committee.


We hope you will try to follow some simple rules. If you have any comments, please send e-mail to

If you are not yourself able to provide your contribution through the Web, we will provide limited help with transferring your contribution into our server. For more details, contact the secretariat.

We are considering all topics that you have already submitted, your suggestions for additions or changes to the set are welcome, mail to

Submitting Contributions


These are formal papers as they normally appear in the scientific literature. They will be evaluated by the Advisory Committee.

The most important action for a paper is to submit your abstract first: the Advisory Committee makes the program on the basis of the abstracts.

In this conference, we will distribute papers through the Web, therefore you should follow some specific rules different than for publication on paper.


Tutorials are sessions of half a day or less, destined to disseminate your know-how to a live audience. Tutorials should be sufficiently practical in their content: the audience must learn HOW to do something. Submit proposals by e-mail to


There may be a small space reserved for posters. You may have a poster set up for you even if you cannot attend the conference. Submit proposals by e-mail to


We will try to stage demonstrations. CERN has excellent Internet connections, but we are currently negotiating space and hardware. You can submit a proposal for a demo now by e-mail to
RC 19 Feb 94